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Social Media Camp – October 3, 2010

Sunday, October 3, was the first ever Social Media Camp here in Victoria, held at the Victoria Conference Centre. Almost 500 people attended and there were some amazing speakers from all over the continent.

Simon and I (Britt) had the opportunity to not only attend Social Media Camp but represent Stikky Media as a sponsor of the event. With so many great sessions happening throughout the day, we wanted to make sure that we were able to soak in as much as possible. We took a “divide and conquer approach”, planning out which sessions each of us would be attending.

I have to say that I was thoroughly impressed with the whole event. Unfortunately it is impossible to remember everything spoken by every presenter, but here are some of the quotes that I wrote down that I thought were particularly interesting:

“Assault is not a good marketing tool.” – Scott Stratten
“If you wouldn’t do it at an in-person networking event, don’t do it online” – Scott Stratten
“People spread awesome, they don’t spread meh.” – Scott Stratten
“If you’re not paying for it [an online tool or product], YOU’RE the product.” – Kris Constable on privacy
“Until you’ve lost your online privacy, you don’t really think about it” – Kris Constable on privacy
“Vulnerable is the new cool” – Julien Smith

I know there are many more amazing quotes from Social Media Camp.

What are your favourites?

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